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点击:14656 时间:2024-03-02 11:33:36
1Wang, ZhongyuanLocal Eyebrow Feature Attention Network for Masked Face RecognitionACM TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA COMPUTING COMMUNICATIONS AND APPLICATIONSBSCI 3区2023
2He, FazhiTPNet: A novel mesh analysis method via topology preservation and perception enhancementCOMPUTER AIDED GEOMETRIC DESIGNB刊SCI 4区2023
3Chen, DanEEG Reconstruction With a Dual-Scale CNN-LSTM Model for Deep Artifact RemovalIEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICSC刊SCI 1区2023
4Cai, ZhaohuiComposed Image Retrieval via Cross Relation Network With Hierarchical Aggregation TransformerIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSINGA刊SCI 1区2023
5Su, KehuaCross-Modality Pyramid Alignment for Visual Intention UnderstandingIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSINGA刊SCI 1区2023
6Li, JingFacial Expression Recognition on the High Aggregation SubgraphsIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSINGA刊SCI 1区2023
7Zhang, LefeiMonocular Road Planar Parallax EstimationIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSINGA刊SCI 1区2023
8Zhong, XianWin-Win by Competition: Auxiliary-Free Cloth-Changing Person Re-IdentificationIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSINGA刊SCI 1区2023
9Du, BoPrivacy-Protected Person Re-Identification via Virtual SamplesIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITYA刊SCI 1区2023
10Hu, Ruimin; Wang, XiaochenFrom Collective Attribute Association of Groups to Precise Attribute Association of IndividualsIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIAB刊SCI 1区2023
11Luo, YongTwo-Stream Prototype Learning Network for Few-Shot Face Recognition Under OcclusionsIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIAB刊SCI 1区2023
12He, FazhiAn enhanced grey wolf optimizer with fusion strategies for identifying the parameters of photovoltaic modelsINTEGRATED COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING
SCI 2区2023
13Liu, JuanDevelopment of Automatic Portable Pathology Scanner and Its Evaluation for Clinical PracticeJOURNAL OF DIGITAL IMAGING
SCI 2区2023
14Wan, Guojia; Du, BoKE-X: Towards subgraph explanations of knowledge graph embedding based on knowledge information gainKNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMSC刊SCI 1区2023
15Luo, YongRegion-adaptive Concept Aggregation for Few-shot Visual RecognitionMACHINE INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH

16Zhang, LefeiRestoration and enhancement on low exposure raw images by joint demosaicing and denoisingNEURAL NETWORKSB刊SCI 1区2023
17Zou, QinAn end-to-end network for co-saliency detection in one single imageSCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCESASCI 2区2023
18Xia, Gui-SongDetecting building changes with off-nadir aerial imagesSCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCESASCI 2区2023
19Xiao, ChunxiaSparse RGB-D images create a real thing: A flexible voxel based 3D reconstruction pipeline for single objectVISUAL INFORMATICS

20Liu, Juan(liujuan@whu.edu.cn)A systematic review of deep learning-based cervical cytology screening: from cell identification to whole slide image analysisArtificial Intelligence Review
SCI 2区2023
21Xiao, Chunxia(cxxiao@whu.edu.cn)Towards High-Resolution Specular Highlight DetectionInternational Journal of Computer VisionA刊SCI 2区2023
22He, Fazhi(fzhe@whu.edu.cn)A fast nondominated sorting-based MOEA with convergence and diversity adjusted adaptivelyJournal of SupercomputingC刊SCI 4区2023
23Zhang, Huyin(huyinzhang@whu.edu.cn); Wang, Yulin(yulinwang@whu.edu.cn)Large-capacity image data hiding based on table look-upMultimedia Tools and ApplicationsC刊SCI 4区2023
24Li, Xuefei(snowfly_li@163.com); Li, Jing(leejingcn@whu.edu.cn)Quality-aware face alignment using high-resolution spatial dependenciesMultimedia Tools and ApplicationsC刊SCI 4区2023
25Chen, Xi(robertcx@whu.edu.cn); He, Chu(chuhe@whu.edu.cn)Multiple frequency-spatial network for RGBT tracking in the presence of motion blurNeural Computing and ApplicationsC刊SCI 3区2023
26Hu, Ruimin(hrm@whu.edu.cn)Multi-speaker DoA Estimation Using Audio and Visual ModalityNeural Processing LettersC刊SCI 4区2023
27Li, Shijun(shjli@whu.edu.cn)Exploring asymmetric pruning evolution for detecting anomalies in health monitoring time seriesSoft ComputingC刊SCI 3区2023
28Li, Shijun(logan_li1972@proton.me)Machine intelligence-based prediction of future healthcare data and health issues based on latent distribution self-evolving architectureSoft ComputingC刊SCI 3区2023
29He, Fazhi(fzhe@whu.edu.cn)MEAN: An attention-based approach for 3D mesh shape classificationVisual ComputerC刊SCI 3区2023
30Du, Bo(dubo@whu.edu.cn)A systematic evaluation of machine learning on serverless infrastructureVLDB JournalA刊SCI 2区2023
31Shen, JB (corresponding author), Univ Macau, Dept Comp & Informat Sci, State Key Lab Internet Things Smart City, Macau, Peoples R China.A New Framework of Collaborative Learning for Adaptive Metric DistillationIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMSB刊SCI 1区2023
32Du, BoHKNAS: Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Hyper Kernel Neural Architecture SearchIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMSB刊SCI 1区2023
33Wang, DiSpectral-Spatial Global Graph Reasoning for Hyperspectral Image ClassificationIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMSB刊SCI 1区2023
34Wang, ZhongyuanEfficient lightweight network for video super-resolutionNEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONSCSCI 3区2023
35Peng, Zhiyong(peng@whu.edu.cn)Proactive Rumor Control: When Impression Counts27th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, PAKDD 2023C会
36Song, Wei(songwei@whu.edu.cn)A New Reconstruction Attack: User Latent Vector Leakage in Federated Recommendation28th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2023B会
37Xie, Xiaoyuan(xxie@whu.edu.cn)ML-KGCL: Multi-level Knowledge Graph Contrastive Learning for Recommendation28th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2023B会
38Liang, Chao(cliang@whu.edu.cn)A Spatio-Temporal Identity Verification Method for Person-Action Instance Search in Movies29th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling, MMM 2023C会
39Liang, Chao(cliang@whu.edu.cn)Floor Plan Analysis and Vectorization with Multimodal Information29th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling, MMM 2023C会
40Liang, Chao(cliang@whu.edu.cn)QIVISE: A Quantum-Inspired Interactive Video Search Engine in VBS202329th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling, MMM 2023C会
41Zhao, Jianhui(jianhuizhao@whu.edu.cn)Transformer Based High-Frequency Predictive Model for聽Visual-Haptic Feedback of聽Virtual Surgery Navigation29th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP 2022C会
42Song, Wei(songwei@whu.edu.cn)Executing Efficient Retrieval Over聽Blockchain Medical Data Based on聽Exponential Skip Bloom Filter6th International Joint Conference on Asia-Pacific Web (APWeb) and Web-Age Information Management (WAIM), APWeb-WAIM 2022C会
43Song, Wei(songwei@whu.edu.cn)How to Share Medical Data Belonging to Multiple Owners in a Secure Manner6th International Joint Conference on Asia-Pacific Web (APWeb) and Web-Age Information Management (WAIM), APWeb-WAIM 2022C会
Redundancy-Free High-Performance Dynamic GNN Training with Hierarchical Pipeline ParallelismHPDC 2023 - Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed ComputingB会
45Xie, Xiaoyuan(xxie@whu.edu.cn)Properly Offer Options to Improve the Practicality of Software Document Completion ToolsIEEE International Conference on Program ComprehensionB会
46Hu, Ruimin(hrm@whu.edu.cn)Don't Ignore Alienation and Marginalization: Correlating Fraud DetectionIJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceA会
47Ye, Mang(yemang@whu.edu.cn)Federated Graph Semantic and Structural LearningIJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceA会
48Hu, Wenbin(hwb@whu.edu.cn)Gapformer: Graph Transformer with Graph Pooling for Node ClassificationIJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceA会
49Hu, Wenbin(hwb@whu.edu.cn)Graph Pooling for Graph Neural Networks: Progress, Challenges, and OpportunitiesIJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceA会
50Luo, Yong(luoyong@whu.edu.cn); Su, Kehua(skh@whu.edu.cn)Improving Heterogeneous Model Reuse by Density EstimationIJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceA会
51Zhao, Hai(zhaohai@cs.sjtu.edu.cn)IRE2F: Rethinking Effective Refinement in Language Structure Prediction via Efficient Iterative Retrospecting and ReasoningIJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceA会
52Zhong, Ming(clock@whu.edu.cn)Mimicking the Thinking Process for Emotion Recognition in Conversation with Prompts and ParaphrasingIJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceA会
53Li, Bing(bingli@whu.edu.cn); Fu, Lei(2019101130036@whu.edu.cn)A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Pointer Scoring Network for Edge Task SchedulingProceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2023B会
54Cheng, DazhaoMPipeMoE: Memory Efficient MoE for Pre-trained Models with Adaptive Pipeline ParallelismProceedings - 2023 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2023B会
55Chen, Xi(robertcx@whu.edu.cn)Deep Homography Estimation with Feature Correlation TransformerProceedings - IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and ExpoB会
56Xia, Gui-Song(guisong.xia@whu.edu.cn)Depth and DOF Cues Make A Better Defocus Blur DetectorProceedings - IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and ExpoB会
57Wang, Zheng(wangzwhu@whu.edu.cn)HPCNet: A Hybrid Progressive Coupled Network for Image DerainingProceedings - IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and ExpoB会
58Shao, Jia(shaojia@mail.hzau.edu.cn)Multi-template Tracker Driven by Cache Manager Algorithm, Towards Multi-distractor ScenariosProceedings - IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and ExpoB会
59Fang, Yan(fangyan@whu.edu.cn)Promoting adversarial transferability with enhanced loss flatnessProceedings - IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and ExpoB会
60Wu, Caiyun(wucaiyun@whu.edu.cn); He, Fazhi(fzhe@whu.edu.cn)Adaptive error-bounded simplification of Delaunay meshes with multi-objective optimizationProceedings of the 2023 26th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, CSCWD 2023B会
61Peng, Zhiyong(peng@whu.edu.cn)CAT: A Collaborative Annotation Tool for Chinese Genealogy Textual DocumentsProceedings of the 2023 26th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, CSCWD 2023B会
62Zhang, Lefei(zhanglefei@whu.edu.cn)DeMT: Deformable Mixer Transformer for Multi-Task Learning of Dense PredictionProceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2023A会
63Su, Kehua(skh@whu.edu.cn)Dual Mutual Information Constraints for Discriminative ClusteringProceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2023A会
64Yan, Ke(kerwinyan@tencent.com); Xia, Gui-Song(guisong.xia@whu.edu.cn)Few-Shot Object Detection via Variational Feature AggregationProceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2023A会
65Su, Kehua(skh@whu.edu.cn)Fine-Grained Position Helps Memorizing More, a Novel Music Compound Transformer Model with Feature Interaction FusionProceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2023A会
66Zhang, Lefei(zhanglefei@whu.edu.cn)Learning to Learn Better for Video Object SegmentationProceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2023A会
67Tu, Weiping(tuweiping@whu.edu.cn)Selector-Enhancer: Learning Dynamic Selection of Local and Non-local Attention Operation for Speech EnhancementProceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2023A会
68Wang, Zheng(wangzwhu@whu.edu.cn)Store and Fetch Immediately: Everything Is All You Need for Space-Time Video Super-resolutionProceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2023A会
69Du, Bo(dubo@whu.edu.cn); Xu, Chang(c.xu@sydney.edu.au)Unlabeled Imperfect Demonstrations in Adversarial Imitation LearningProceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2023A会
70Liu, Weiwei(liuweiwei863@gmail.com)WAT: Improve the Worst-Class Robustness in Adversarial TrainingProceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2023A会
71Li, Shijun(shjli@whu.edu.cn); Li, Zuchao(zcli-charlie@whu.edu.cn)MAPLE: Semi-Supervised Learning with Multi-Alignment and Pseudo-LearningProceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningA会
72Huang, Jimin(jimin@chancefocus.com)Select and Trade: Towards Unified Pair Trading with Hierarchical Reinforcement LearningProceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningA会
73Tu, Weiping(tuweiping@whu.edu.cn); Chen, Xiong(zn_chenxiong@whu.edu.cn)A Snoring Sound Dataset for Body Position Recognition: Collection, Annotation, and AnalysisProceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECHC会
74Tu, Weiping(tuweiping@whu.edu.cn)CQNV: A combination of coarsely quantized bitstream and neural vocoder for low rate speech codingProceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECHC会
75Tu, Weiping(tuweiping@whu.edu.cn)Exploring the Interactions between Target Positive and Negative Information for Acoustic Echo CancellationProceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECHC会
76Tu, Weiping(tuweiping@whu.edu.cn)PCNN: A Lightweight Parallel Conformer Neural Network for Efficient Monaural Speech EnhancementProceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECHC会
77Li, Ming(ming.li369@dukekunshan.edu.cn)Robust audio anti-spoofing countermeasure with joint training of front-end and back-end modelsProceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECHC会
78Li, Ming(ming.li369@dukekunshan.edu.cn)SEF-Net: Speaker Embedding Free Target Speaker Extraction NetworkProceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECHC会
79Zhao, Jianhui(jianhuizhao@whu.edu.cn)Feature Representation Learning with Adaptive Displacement Generation and Transformer Fusion for Micro-Expression RecognitionProceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionA会
80Wang, Zheng(wangzwhu@whu.edu.cn)Good is Bad: Causality Inspired Cloth-debiasing for Cloth-changing Person Re-identificationProceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionA会
81Xia, Gui-Song(guisong.xia@whu.edu.cn)HGFormer: Hierarchical Grouping Transformer for Domain Generalized Semantic SegmentationProceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionA会
82Xue, NanLevel-S2fM: Structure from Motion on Neural Level Set of Implicit SurfacesProceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionA会
83Li, Ming(liming751218@whu.edu.cn)A Hierarchical Vision Transformer Using Overlapping Patch and Self-Supervised LearningProceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural NetworksC会
84Wang, Zhongyuan(wzy_hope@163.com); Mei, Bin(neuromei20@163.com)Cerebral Thrombus Segmentation in CT Angiography using Refinement Segmentation Network with Context PoolingProceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural NetworksC会
85Wang, Zhongyuan(wzy_hope@163.com)DeepReversion: Reversely Inferring the Original Face from the DeepFake FaceProceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural NetworksC会
86Du, Bo(kuangxiaohuan@whu.edu.cn); Yang, Jiancheng(jiancheng.yang@epfl.ch)Efficient Lung Nodule Detection via 3D Deep Learning with Shifted ConvolutionsProceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural NetworksC会
MultiDrop: A Local Rademacher Complexity-Based Regularization for Multitask ModelsProceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural NetworksC会
88Zhong, MingScalable Time-Range k-Core Query on Temporal GraphsProceedings of the VLDB EndowmentA会
89Hu, Wenbin(hwb@whu.edu.cn)CLNode: Curriculum Learning for Node ClassificationWSDM 2023 - Proceedings of the 16th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data MiningB会
90Hu, Wenbin(hwb@whu.edu.cn)Relation Preference Oriented High-order Sampling for RecommendationWSDM 2023 - Proceedings of the 16th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data MiningB会
91Chen, Dan(dan.chen@whu.edu.cn)Corrigendum to 'Functional Connectivity Learning via Siamese-based SPD Matrix Representation of Brain Imaging Data' [Neural Networks 163 (2023) 272鈥?85, (S0893608023001818), (10.1016/j.neunet.2023.04.004)]Neural NetworksB刊SCI 1区2023
92Yin, Yabo(yinyabo@whu.edu.cn)Joint computation offloading and resource allocation in space-air-terrestrial integrated networks for IoT ApplicationsAd Hoc NetworksC刊SCI 2区2023
93He, Fazhi(fzhe@whu.edu.cn)HIGSA: Human image generation with self-attentionAdvanced Engineering InformaticsB刊SCI 1区2023
94Zhao, Jianhui(jianhuizhao@whu.edu.cn); Yuan, Zhiyong(zhiyongyuan@whu.edu.cn)Long-term electrocardiogram signal quality assessment pipeline based on a frequency-adaptive mean absolute deviation curveApplied IntelligenceC刊SCI 2区2023
95Zhang, Huyin(zhy2536@whu.edu.cn)Urban ride-hailing demand prediction with multi-view information fusion deep learning frameworkApplied IntelligenceC刊SCI 2区2023
96Zhang, Huyin(zhy2536@whu.edu.cn)Multiple Information Spatial-Temporal Attention based Graph Convolution Network for traffic predictionApplied Soft Computing
SCI 2区2023
97Xie, Xiaoyuan(xxie@whu.edu.cn); Chen, Songqiang(i9schen@gmail.com)qaAskeR + : a novel testing method for question answering software via asking recursive questionsAutomated Software EngineeringB刊SCI 3区2023
98Liu, Juan(liujuan@whu.edu.cn)FingerDTA: A Fingerprint-Embedding Framework for Drug-Target Binding Affinity PredictionBig Data Mining and Analytics

99Zhao, Jianhui(jianhuizhao@whu.edu.cn)A robust myocardial infarction localization system based on multi-branch residual shrinkage network and active learning with clusteringBiomedical Signal Processing and Control
SCI 2区2023
100Liu, Juan(liujuan@whu.edu.cn); Cai, Zhaohui(zhcai_@whu.edu.cn); Wu, Meng(wb000713@whu.edu.cn)An adaptive multi-modal hybrid model for classifying thyroid nodules by combining ultrasound and infrared thermal imagesBMC BioinformaticsC刊SCI 4区2023
101Peng, Rong(rongpeng@whu.edu.cn)Heterogeneous Network Embedding: A SurveyCMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences
SCI 4区2023
102Wang, Feng(fengwang@whu.edu.cn)I+LGEA A Learning-Guided Evolutionary Algorithm Based on I+Indicator for Portfolio OptimizationComplex System Modeling and Simulation

103Liang, C.(cliang@whu.edu.cn)A Survey of Personalized Interior DesignComputer Graphics ForumB刊SCI 4区2023
104Huang, Chuanhe(huangch@whu.edu.cn)Joint dynamic routing and resource allocation in satellite-terrestrial integrated networksComputer NetworksB刊SCI 3区2023
105Huang, Chuanhe(huangch@whu.edu.cn)A soft actor-critic reinforcement learning algorithm for network intrusion detectionComputers and SecurityB刊SCI 3区202